Minint 20-ąsias stojimo į ES ir NATO metines - iššūkio „Aplink Europos Sąjungą ir NATO“ startas

2024 kovo 28 d.

Twenty years ago, the Baltic States embarked on its most ambitious journey - membership in the European Union and NATO.

On this special occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania invites to participate in the challenge "Around the European Union and NATO" and to walk together for freedom, peace, and security - for what is important to each of us.

The challenge has already started and will continue until May 1st. You can join in the app's #walk15 section under CHALLENGES or by clicking this link on your phone:

The top 10 most active participants will be awarded on May 9th in Vilnius - during the celebration of Europe Day.

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Vladas Časnovič
Vladas Časnovič

Head of Sales CEE & Baltics

+370 60751217


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Minint 20-ąsias stojimo į ES ir NATO metines - iššūkio „Aplink Europos Sąjungą ir NATO“ startas
Minint 20-ąsias stojimo į ES ir NATO metines - iššūkio „Aplink Europos Sąjungą ir NATO“ startas
Minint 20-ąsias stojimo į ES ir NATO metines - iššūkio „Aplink Europos Sąjungą ir NATO“ startas
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