Baltic Schools Complete 'Schools Walk' Challenge with 81,000 Participants and 330 Trips Around the Globe

June 21, 2024

From mid-spring, the "Schools Walk" challenges, which united school communities in the Baltic countries and encouraged student activity, have reached the finish line. The project, held on the "Walk15" app, united and inspired 1,495 schools from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. More than 81.5 thousand participants covered a distance equivalent to 330 trips around the Earth.

"According to the World Health Organization, almost 80% of students do not reach the recommended activity levels per day. Therefore, our main goal is to engage and involve children in activity-related activities, thereby fostering long-term health and sustainability values. In Lithuania, we have been organizing 'Schools are Going' for four years, but this is the first time we have invited school communities from other Baltic countries to join the challenge. We are delighted that the significance of the project is well reflected in the numbers. Over 81 thousand students, teachers, parents, and other community members participated in the three national challenges," said Vlada Musvydaitė-Vilčiauskė, the project's initiator and creator of the globally operating platform and app "Walk15".

Challenges started in all three Baltic countries in April. The greatest activity was seen in the now traditional "Schools Walk" challenge in Lithuania, with almost 900 schools joining, representing over 50 thousand participants who covered a distance equivalent to 196 trips around the world.

"We were pleasantly surprised by the activity of schools in Latvia and Estonia. Although it was the first time, over 520 schools and more than 20 thousand participants joined 'Schools are Going' in Latvia, covering a distance equivalent to 127 trips around the Earth. In Estonia, 100 schools participated, together covering 372 million steps," said the project organizer.

The main project sponsor, "Samsung," actively encouraged students to walk with motivational prizes - "Samsung Galaxy Fit3." The challenge winner in Lithuania was Vilnius Christian Gymnasium, which walked 64 million steps. In Latvia, it was Turlava Primary School, with 72 million steps, and in Estonia, it was Valga School with 39 million steps.

"By collaborating with 'Walk15,' our company contributes to one of its goals - encouraging young people to enjoy an active lifestyle and develop a habit of taking care of their health. Technologies, such as smart bracelets or watches, which 'Samsung' improves annually, make tracking one's well-being and achievements more enjoyable and simpler," said Simonas Skupas, head of "Samsung Electronics Baltics" in Lithuania. "By the way, this project showed that young people are not indifferent to active leisure activities. Sometimes they just need a good incentive."

All participants will also receive special challenge diplomas with the number of steps taken.

The organizers are pleased that the project has become an excellent example of how, through community, health, and sustainability values can be nurtured and instilled. Challenge participants were active for about an hour per day on average. It is hoped that the new mobility habits will become long-term.

The importance of the project for long-term children's habits is also emphasized by Professor Albertas Skurvydas, who works in the field of movement and physical activity.

"To ensure that children feel great, maintain good emotional and physical health, and protect their bodies from 40 or more chronic diseases, one well-researched advice is to walk between 10 and 15 thousand steps per day at least three days a week," said the professor.

Those looking for more movement-promoting initiatives can join the next public step challenge, "Walking Baltic Way 2024," in the free walking app "Walk15." The goal of the challenge is for each participant to cover their Baltic Way - 650 km. The challenge will end on August 23, marking the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Way. All participants who reach the goal will receive special commemorative diplomas.

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Baltic Schools Complete 'Schools Walk' Challenge with 81,000 Participants and 330 Trips Around the Globe
Baltic Schools Complete 'Schools Walk' Challenge with 81,000 Participants and 330 Trips Around the Globe
Baltic Schools Complete 'Schools Walk' Challenge with 81,000 Participants and 330 Trips Around the Globe
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